Tuesday, December 22, 2009

About Dogs

We human have 32  permanent teeth but our dog have !
=> 42 teeth.

The total number of recognize breeds of dog in the world is about!
=> 400 - 500. 

The dog which have black tongue is! 

The Range of body Weight is! 
=>  1-100kg.

Which breed of dog unable to bark!
=> Basenji and Dingo. 

What is Avg. lifespan of a dog! 
=> 10-12yrs.

Dogs are long sighted. How far can a dog spot a moving object!
=> 100 meters.

Which vitamin get naturally synthesized in a dog body and is not require to given as a supplement!
=> Vitamin C

From which Country does the dog breed New-found-land derive its name!
=> Canada

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