Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Meaning of flowers A long since had great value for people.
 By means of meaning of flowers it is possible to learn, that
 each of a kind of flowers means 

Types Of Flowers

Flowers are giving to everybody, it does not matter who you are rich or poor, they give you that wonderful world, in which you feel yourself happy. Therefore people always tried to decorate with these surprising gifts of the nature not only celebratory and now a days of the life, but also everyday lives, which, as is known people have more even more full to feel pleasure of short-term life on the guilty Earth.
It seems that mother-nature has tried and has presented us these wonderful creations which a lot of millenniums ago bring in our life beauty, pleasure, and giving us good mood and emotional health at any time of the year.
In opinion of scientists there are more than 270 000 versions of colors. And each flower in his own way is beautiful and unusual and bears in itself a part of pleasure, to do our life more happier.
 At all nations of the
 world flowers associate with heat, sun, spring and pleasure. And it is not important winter in the street or summer, autumn or spring. Flowers always remain symbols of good mood and wonderful season - spring and summer.

=>Flowers have always source of pleasure and happiness symbolizing love and friendship. We always point flower for happiness for example How quite baby is like rising rose. One more example to impress the girl a guy mostly took a bunch of rose.

There are 1000 verity types of flowers in the word  we describe some of them for you.
From the rose to the humble Daisy throughout the world flower possess special qualities that can  ease emotional distress,boost self confident lift energy level, increase resilience to all kind of illness  and enrich our relationship.

Dahlia is hybrids plant commonly known as garden plant. The name dahlia is named after Swedish 18th century botanist Anders  Dahl .In German the dahlia was known during most of the 19th century as Georgia being named after the naturalist  Johann              Gottlieb of  St Petersburg, Russia.There are various verity of DAHLIA in India.
There are at least 36 different types verity of flower or plant                                

The rose is the most treasured flower in the world. It has been prized, 

even held as sacred, for thousands of years. Across the ages, the rose has been  

celebrated in painting, music, myth, heraldry, and religion. Cultivated for its 

medicinal and culinary properties as well as for its fragrance,

it was so highly 

valued in ancient times that attar of rose was more costly than gold.

Dr. suggest that keeping a bulk of rose in bedroom keeps the mind fresh.
      Roses are the ‘Queen of Flowers'


Lilies are one of the most popular flowers next only to the Rose. Globally, Lilies rank fourth among the flowers in popularity.
Lilies of different kinds are commonly found all across the globe. Lilies come in different shapes, sizes and colors

   They are important as large showy flowering garden plants Additionally, they are important culturally and in literature in much of the world. Some species are sometimes grown or harvested for the edible bulbs.
The species in this genus are the true lilies. Many other plants exist with "lily" in the common English name, some of which are quite unrelated to the true lilies

Orchid Flowers

     Orchid Flowers Primary Significance: With an astounding number of varieties, orchids are known for their delicate beauty and exotic character. Evolving through an intricate and interesting history, the meanings of orchids include love, beauty, luxury, and strength.

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