Thursday, July 22, 2010

Famous Quotations

                                     Famous Quotations

1.   Life is what happens when you plan to do other things
         - John Lennon

2.   A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first
         and Honest people are screwed first.

3.   "Before you start some work, always ask yourself three 
        questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be 
        Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find
         satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

4.    "Education is the best friend. An educated person is
         respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty
          and the youth."

5.   Nothing is "Impossible" in this World, As the word 
       Impossible itself means "IMPOSSIBLE"
6.   Happiness eludes us if we run after it.

7.   Failure comes only when we forget our ideals, objectives 
         and principles.

8.   When a man gives way to anger, he only harms himself.

9.   Expect success, not failure.

10. Ability is not always gauged by examination.
                        "Indira Gandhi" 

11.  Those who live for others really live and those who live 
         only for themselves are more dead than alive.

12.  A man who behaves like a beast is worse than the beast. 

13.  Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone
        displays his/her image.

14.  Life is a continuous process of adjustment.
                       "Indira Gandhi"

15.  To be content with little is difficult; 
       to be content with much, impossible 
                         "M. Gandhi"

16.  Even a little untruth destroys a man,
         as a drop of poison ruins milk. 
                    "M. Gandhi" 

17.  No joy can compare with joy of doing 
            ones duty quietly. 
                   "M. Gandhi" 

18.  Experience is not what happens to you; 
       it is what you do with what happens 
        to you. 

19.  Faith is put to test when the situation 
         is most difficult.  
                  "M. Gandhi"

20.  Never lose faith in yourself;
       you can do anything in the universe. 

21.  No man loses his freedom except
        through his own weakness.  
                  "M. Gandhi"

23.  There is goodness as well as greatness 
          in simplicity, not in wealth.  
               "M. Gandhi"

24.  The greatness of a person lies in his  
       heart, not in his head; that is intellect.
              "M. Gandhi"

25.  Ignorance is the root cause of all 

26.  Sloth makes all things difficult, 
        but industry all things easy.

27.  Remember that the greatest crime is 
    to compromise with injustice and wrong. 
          "Subash Chander Bose"

28.   The best of all medicines are resting and 

29.   No nation  perhaps no individual has 
        progressed without mistakes.
           "Indira Gandhi"

30.    Necessity never makes a good bargain.

31.   Violence is the weapon of weak, non-
        violence that of the strong. 
            "M. Gandhi"

32.    The old need the company of the young 
        so that they renew their contact with life. 
            "Indira Gandhi" 

33.    Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, 
          and philosophy begins in wonder.

34.    Popularity is not a gurantee of quality. 
           "Indira Gandhi" 

35.    Sacrifice that causes pain is no sacrifice at
      all. True sacrifice is joy-giving and uplifting.
36.    All the work you do, is done for your own 
          salvation, is done for your own benefit.

37.    Birth-control through self-restraint is the 
            most desirable, sensible and totally      
            harmless method. 
           "M. Gandhi"

38.    When you want to enjoy life, think today 
         as your life's First day. When you want to               
         achieve something in life, think today as 
          your life's Last day.....

39.    The hunger for love is more Difficult to remove 
             then the Hunger for breed.
                                                     Mother Teresa 

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